Eating Disorder Awareness Month Blog | The Comprehensive Treatment Approach

Welcome to the third installment of our blog series honoring Eating Disorder Awareness Month. In this post, we will discuss holistic eating disorder treatment methods and how specialized eating disorder therapy combining evidence-based eating disorder treatment and a whole-person wellness approach yields significant, long-term benefits.

“Recovery from disordered eating is about accepting the wholeness of your being. It is about accepting all of who you are, all of your emotions, thoughts, and desires, even those you may not like or those that bring discomfort. It involves recognizing that certain attributes you have viewed as liabilities are actually assets, realizing that your sensitive nature is a part of your beauty, and understanding that your uniqueness does not have to lead to isolation, rejection, and loneliness.”

— ‘Ai Pono Founder Dr. Anita Johnston, from Eating in the Light of the Moon

How many times have you driven past a construction site, previously obscured by protective mesh screens and temporary chain-link fencing, only to suddenly discover that – poof! – a large and impressive building just appeared, seemingly overnight?

Well, that building didn’t simply spring up like a mushroom! There was a lot of careful thought, planning, and labor involved. We just can’t necessarily recognize it from the outside.

In her book, Eating in the Light of the Moon, Dr. Anita Johnston describes the process of eating disorder recovery in similar terms. Recovery from an eating disorder is much like the construction of a magnificent building that was ostensibly erected overnight. Unless we are intimately involved, we can easily miss the many stages, the months and months of cooperative planning, and – yes – even the failures and recalibrations along the way.

Just as a building requires a detailed blueprint, recovery from an eating disorder necessitates solid, dedicated planning using scientifically justified best practices to ensure integrity and sustainability. Evidence-based treatments provide the foundation upon which recovery is built.

However, a building is more than just its foundation and structure; it must also respect the humanity of its occupants.

Recovery from an eating disorder, like building a structure, must be mindful of the many ways it sustains our whole selves. A building shouldn’t be simply four walls and a roof; it must respect the many dimensions of human life and well-being. Recovery shouldn’t be a mere cessation of disordered eating habits; it must recognize the full depth of your personhood.

A holistic approach ensures that recovery is not just about eliminating disordered eating behaviors but about creating a life that is fulfilling, joyful, and sustainable.

Holistic Eating Disorder Treatment

Our treatment philosophy embraces a healing environment that honors the philosophical principles of mana and lokahi. Mana, an ancient Hawaiian spiritual force, and lokahi, embodying wisdom, harmony, and accord, create a nurturing space that fosters whole-person healing.

This environment helps create a transformative and nurturing space because it is supported by a combination of evidence-based therapeutic interventions, which include the following:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cornerstone of our integrative approach. DBT focuses on bolstering emotional awareness and regulation, helping you recognize and manage intense emotions.

This intervention provides the skills to cope with stress, improve relationships, and navigate life’s challenges more effectively. By addressing emotional dysregulation, DBT reduces the urge to engage in disordered eating behaviors, paving the way for healthier coping mechanisms.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) fosters an awareness of thoughts and behaviors without judgment. This approach helps in identifying and addressing negative thought patterns that contribute to eating disorders.

Narrative & Metaphor Therapy

Narrative and Metaphor Therapy focuses on reframing self-perceptions. Through storytelling and metaphor, we explore our experiences and reshape our personal narratives, fostering a more positive self-image and healthier behaviors.

The Role of Nutrition in Recovery

Nutrition is a cornerstone of recovery. Our multidisciplinary team of medical, psychological, and nutrition specialists provide essential support, information, and strategies for nourishing your body, mind, and spirit.

By understanding the importance of balanced nutrition, you can cultivate eating habits that support your physical and emotional well-being. Nutrition therapy empowers you to make informed dietary choices, helping you rebuild a healthy relationship with food.

Mind-Body Healing Approaches

Just as a building must be mindful of the many ways it sustains our whole selves, recovery must incorporate various therapeutic modalities to address the diverse needs of individuals.

  • Art therapy allows you to express your emotions and experiences creatively, promoting self-awareness and healing through artistic expression.
  • Horticultural therapy connects you with the earth and its bounty, offering a specialist-guided therapeutic environment that invites you to re-explore your relationship with food.
  • Sound therapy uses music and sound to promote healing and deep reflection, creating an appropriately invigorating or calming atmosphere that supports emotional and mental receptivity to treatment.

Embracing Healing: Discovering Your Whole Self

Embracing recovery is a form of rediscovery. It means nurturing a sense of self that is resilient, flexible, and compassionate. It involves reconnecting with your values, passions, and relationships in a way that is not dictated by food or dreams of personal perfectibility. This journey is about reviving and empowering a version of yourself that is not only strong and disciplined but also joyful, present, and at peace.

At ‘Ai Pono, we believe that recovery from an eating disorder is a journey of empowerment and transformation.

By incorporating the sacred concept of mana and evidence-based therapies, we offer a treatment approach that honors your complexities while gently guiding you toward healing.

We invite you to join us on this journey, to embrace your inner strength, and to rediscover the beautiful, whole person you are meant to be.

When you’re ready, let’s begin the journey together.