How To Talk To Your Child About Eating Disorders
The number of eating disorder patients under twelve is exponentially rising — which is why it’s important to learn how to talk to your child about eating disorders, body image concerns, and healthy relationships with physical movement. Read on to find out: When it comes to eating disorders, early intervention is one of the most…
Weight Gain During COVID-19: Eating Disorders And The Effect Of The “Quarantine 15”
You’ve probably heard of the “Freshman 15.” It refers to the (predicted) amount of weight gain during students’ freshman year of college due to changes in food choices and activity levels, as well as heightened stress levels. The “Quarantine 15” is the COVID-19 weight gain equivalent. While the phrase started out as a joke, it…
How Eating Disorders Affect Relationships And How To Maintain The Good Ones
Relationships and eating disorders are tough to navigate. How much do relationships matter when it comes to fueling an eating disorder, and when it comes to recovery? Does one person have the ability to make you sick? And can one person force you to recover? Read on for: Relationships and Eating Disorders: Can someone cause…
How To Find The Right Eating Disorder Treatment Program
If you’re reading this, you’re already on the right path to eating disorder recovery. You have admitted, at least to yourself, that you need help, and now you’re wondering: “What eating disorder treatment center is right for me?” There are more treatment options than ever before, especially after COVID-19 has revolutionized eating disorder treatment and…
Are Your Treatment Friends Helpful When It Comes To Eating Disorder Recovery?
When you’re in a formal eating disorder treatment program or a recovery community (in-person or online), you end up making friends. When you spend so much time with people who already know and understand your “big secret,” you’re bound to get close to them. The experience of a shared reality is scientifically proven to be…
What Is Evidence-Based Eating Disorder Treatment?
One of the first things you see if you search for eating disorder treatment professionals and programs is “evidence-based eating disorder treatment.” You may also notice “holistic eating disorder treatment” in some search results. What exactly do these terms mean? Are they completely different concepts? How do they work? In this article, you’ll get vital…
Busy Brains And Biohacking: Eating Disorders And The Tech Sector
The tech sector is a fast-paced industry, where people in the field are “always on” and ready to work. You have to work efficiently and produce high-quality work to stay ahead, especially if you are a woman and/or in a minority. In fact, people in this sector want to get ahead so fast that they…
Subtle Signs Of An Eating Disorder, Part 1: Food Rules
Maybe you haven’t lost an excessive amount of weight in a short period of time. You don’t purge or use laxatives. You might not exercise to the point of exhaustion, or pass out in public. Does this mean you can’t possibly have an eating disorder? Not all eating disorders are that “extreme.” Many (if not…
COVID-19 And Eating Disorders: The Continued Impact On Treatment And Recovery (And It’s Actually Not All Bad…)
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed every part of life as we knew it — for better and for worse. Health systems have been strained in every way imaginable and in-person connections have been limited for over a year. But we’ve found new ways to connect and share information. Eating disorders during COVID-19 are experienced and…
Music Therapy For Eating Disorders | Blog
At some point in your life when you were angry, sad, distressed, or just bored, you have probably turned towards music to comfort you. It seems to be a release from those emotions, or at least something that calms you down, right? Did you know that music therapy is an entire therapeutic practice, one that…