Eating Disorder Awareness: What’s My Part?

Eating disorders are still misunderstood illnesses, despite estimates that 20 million women and 10 million men in America will experience an eating disorder at some point in their life. We all can play an important role in helping to reduce stigma and spread awareness on eating disorders.  In this article, we’ll discuss: During the last…

Eating Disorders And Pregnancy: What To Expect ?

Navigating pregnancy while in recovery no matter where you are in the process can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, with the right care and support a healthy pregnancy is possible.  In this article, we’ll discuss: Pregnancy during Eating Disorder Recovery  Becoming pregnant while actively struggling with an eating disorder or while seeking treatment may bring along many…

7 Mantras To Support You In Eating Disorder Recovery

Struggling with negative self-talk is not uncommon for those with eating disorders. A powerful tool to combat these thoughts and empower yourself in recovery is using mantras or affirmations.  In this article, we’ll discuss: Negative Self-Talk and Eating Disorders You may be wondering what the connection is between eating disorders and negative self-talk. The way…

Healing From Negative Body Image

You may have heard the terms body positivity and negative body image, but may wonder, what really is body image? And most importantly, how do you improve your body image?  In this article, we’ll discuss: What is Body Image?  Body image can be defined by the way you see yourself. Beyond how you see yourself,…

5 Things No One Tells You About Eating Disorder Recovery

1. Eating disorder recovery is not linear. It would be much easier if eating disorder recovery came with a step by step instruction manual, but the process is a bit more complex than that. There may be times where you begin to struggle with behaviors you thought you would never return to or you fall…

I’m A Parent With An Eating Disorder…

So many online resources will tell parents what to do if their children have an eating disorder. But what about if you are one of many parents with eating disorders? How do you tell someone, “I’m a parent and I have an eating disorder,” when eating disorders are perceived as a problem exclusively for teenagers? …

New Year’s Resolutions And Eating Disorder Recovery: Resolution Ideas That Work For You

We all know about diet culture’s grip on New Year’s: gym membership discounts during January, chatter of a “new diet” or “cleanse” to “fix” your body after indulging during the holidays, a social media frenzy about who’s reaching their fitness goals and “living their best life.” The typical New Year’s resolutions and eating disorders don’t…

10 Tips For Maintaining Eating Disorder Recovery During The Holidays

It’s typically very hard to manage an eating disorder and the holidays. There are stressors and triggers everywhere you turn. These are our best tips to help you stay in eating disorder recovery during the holidays (and maybe even have some fun while you’re at it.) Planning for Eating Disorder Recovery During the Holidays 1….

How To Manage Social Events During The Holidays In Eating Disorder Recovery

For many people, the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. They are thrilled with the number of holiday parties, gift giving, winter concerts, and get togethers throughout the season. But for someone in eating disorder recovery, so many social events — and the meals and treats that come with them — can…

Curiosity: The ‘Secret Sauce’ Of Eating Disorder Recovery

People with eating disorders really tend to judge themselves harshly for having or falling back into an eating disorder. If you’re one of those people, you’ve probably noticed how shame, guilt, fear, and regret can hinder your recovery. There are two secret ingredients for If you want to improve your chances of eating disorder recovery,…